1. --查看最近订单中间表数据
  2. select a.inserttime,b.upload,b.mycompanyid,b.mycompanyname,
  3. c.upload,c.hisgroupcode,c.hisgroupname,c.mealid,c.groupid,a.*
  4. from
  5. tbl_inv_group_person a left join tbl_inv_company b on a.hiscompanycode = b.hiscompanycode
  6. left join tbl_inv_meal c on a.hisgroupcode = c.hisgroupcode
  7. -- left join tbl_errorlog d on c.hisgroupcode = d.relatedid
  8. where 1=1
  9. and a.upload = 0
  10. order by a.inserttime desc
  11. --查看最近订单视图
  12. select * from tbl_inv_group_person_v where 1=1
  13. and hisexamineenum ='2311290113'
  14. and modifydate >'20231127'
  15. order by modifydate desc
  16. --查看单位表
  17. select * from tbl_inv_company where =1=1
  18. and hiscompanycode ='1839'
  19. --查看套餐视图
  20. select * from TBL_INV_MEAL_v where 1=1
  21. and hiscompanycode ='1839'
  22. --查看套餐项目视图
  23. select a.RWFZID as hisGroupCode, a.SQXMID as hisItemId, 1 as basicfrom HM_YW_TTFZXM a,hm_zd_tjsqxm b
  24. where a.sqxmid=b.sqxmid and a.RWFZID ='4448'
  25. -- 查看套餐中间表
  26. select * from TBL_INV_MEAL where 1=1
  27. and hiscompanycode ='1839'
  28. and hisGroupCode ='4445'
  29. --删除中间表订单
  30. -- delete from tbl_inv_group_person where hisexamineenum ='2311290113'
文档更新时间: 2023-11-30 17:58