1. create table TBL_DICTIONARY
  2. (
  3. id NUMBER,
  4. groupname VARCHAR2(20),
  5. keyname VARCHAR2(20),
  6. keyvalue VARCHAR2(50),
  7. createtime DATE,
  8. updatetime DATE,
  9. remark NVARCHAR2(100)
  10. )
  11. tablespace TS_JK
  12. pctfree 10
  13. initrans 1
  14. maxtrans 255
  15. storage
  16. (
  17. initial 64K
  18. next 1M
  19. minextents 1
  20. maxextents unlimited
  21. );
  22. --设置自增
  23. alter table tbl_dictionary
  24. add constraint dictionary_id primary key (ID)
  25. using index
  26. tablespace TS_PT
  27. pctfree 10
  28. initrans 2
  29. maxtrans 255
  30. storage
  31. (
  32. initial 64K
  33. next 1M
  34. minextents 1
  35. maxextents unlimited
  36. );
  37. --如果自增数据库版本不允许,设置触发器达到自增效果
  38. create sequence tbl_dictionary_autoid
  39. start with 1
  40. increment by 1
  41. minvalue 1
  42. nomaxvalue;
  43. create or replace trigger TR_MTJK_tbl_dictionary
  44. before insert on tbl_dictionary --"userinfo"为表名称
  45. for each row
  46. begin
  47. select tbl_dictionary_autoid.nextval into:new.id from dual;
  48. end;

  1. create table TBL_ERRORLOG
  2. (
  7. STATUS NUMBER default 0,
  9. MEMO NVARCHAR2(500),
  12. ID NUMBER not null
  13. )
  14. tablespace TS_JK
  15. pctfree 10
  16. initrans 1
  17. maxtrans 255
  18. storage
  19. (
  20. initial 64K
  21. next 1M
  22. minextents 1
  23. maxextents unlimited
  24. );
  25. --设置自增
  26. alter table TBL_ERRORLOG
  27. add constraint LOG_ID primary key (ID)
  28. using index
  29. tablespace TS_PT
  30. pctfree 10
  31. initrans 2
  32. maxtrans 255
  33. storage
  34. (
  35. initial 64K
  36. next 1M
  37. minextents 1
  38. maxextents unlimited
  39. );
  40. --如果自增数据库版本不允许,设置触发器达到自增效果
  41. create sequence tbl_errorlog_autoid
  42. start with 1
  43. increment by 1
  44. minvalue 1
  45. nomaxvalue;
  46. create or replace trigger TR_MTJK_TBL_ERRORLOG
  47. before insert on TBL_ERRORLOG --"userinfo"为表名称
  48. for each row
  49. begin
  50. select tbl_errorlog_autoid.nextval into:new.id from dual;
  51. end;

  1. create table TBL_REPORT_RECORD
  2. (
  3. ID NUMBER not null ,
  4. hisexamineenum VARCHAR2(50),
  5. status NUMBER default 0,
  6. createtime DATE default sysdate,
  7. updatetime DATE default sysdate,
  8. reportTime DATE
  9. )
  10. tablespace TS_JK
  11. pctfree 10
  12. initrans 1
  13. maxtrans 255
  14. storage
  15. (
  16. initial 64K
  17. next 8K
  18. minextents 1
  19. maxextents unlimited
  20. );
  21. -- Add comments to the columns
  22. comment on column TBL_REPORT_RECORD.hisexamineenum
  23. is '体检编号';
  24. comment on column TBL_REPORT_RECORD.status
  25. is '报告状态:0:失败 1:成功';
  26. --设置自增
  27. alter table TBL_REPORT_RECORD
  28. add constraint tbl_report_ID primary key (ID)
  29. using index
  30. tablespace TS_PT
  31. pctfree 10
  32. initrans 2
  33. maxtrans 255
  34. storage
  35. (
  36. initial 64K
  37. next 1M
  38. minextents 1
  39. maxextents unlimited
  40. );
  41. --如果自增数据库版本不允许,设置触发器达到自增效果
  42. create sequence tbl_report_record_autoid
  43. start with 1
  44. increment by 1
  45. minvalue 1
  46. nomaxvalue;
  47. create or replace trigger TR_MTJK_TBL_REPORT_RECORD
  48. before insert on TBL_REPORT_RECORD --"userinfo"为表名称
  49. for each row
  50. begin
  51. select TBL_REPORT_RECORD_autoid.nextval into:new.id from dual;
  52. end;

文档更新时间: 2023-07-17 17:12