Kubernetes 使用手册 for Devs


kubectl是Kubernetes 命令行管理工具,我们可以通过kubectl来管理本地/远程 的Kubernetes集群。

请首先安装 kubectl,官网有安装方法 https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/tasks/tools/


  1. 查找pod

    1. kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods ${podName}
  2. 查看 pod 信息

    1. kubectl -n ${namespace} describe pod ${podName}



    1. Name: lecare-insurance-58b7bdc4cd-76fvs
    2. Namespace: lejian-insu
    3. Priority: 0
    4. Node: cn-hangzhou.
    5. Start Time: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 14:38:20 +0800
    6. Labels: app=lecare-insurance
    7. pod-template-hash=58b7bdc4cd
    8. Annotations: <none>
    9. Status: Running
    10. IP:
    11. IPs:
    12. IP:
    13. Controlled By: ReplicaSet/lecare-insurance-58b7bdc4cd
    14. Containers:
    15. lecare-insurance:
    16. Container ID: docker://a4d76e08f026adaefc0eed451de550cf63dea3bcd038ea89ac93227c413d675d
    17. Image: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/lejian-insu/lecare-insurance:ab22bc48
    18. Image ID: docker-pullable://registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/lejian-insu/lecare-insurance@sha256:b050fcd4fc00f1bc2bd2811c8bd4452ca83e2796d34b92a2ce61973938e3c58d
    19. Port: 8080/TCP
    20. Host Port: 0/TCP
    21. Command:
    22. java
    23. -jar
    24. lecare_insurance.jar
    25. -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom
    26. --spring.profiles.active=${RUNNING_ENV}
    27. -Xmx2g
    28. -Xms1g
    29. -Xmn1g
    30. -Xss512k
    31. --server.port=8080
    32. State: Running
    33. Started: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 14:38:41 +0800
    34. Ready: True
    35. Restart Count: 0
    36. Limits:
    37. cpu: 2
    38. memory: 4Gi
    39. Requests:
    40. cpu: 100m
    41. memory: 2Gi
    42. Environment:
    43. MYSQL_USERNAME: <set to the key 'MYSQL_USERNAME' in secret 'mysql-prod'> Optional: false
    44. MYSQL_PASSWORD: <set to the key 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' in secret 'mysql-prod'> Optional: false
    45. REDIS_HOST: <set to the key 'REDIS_HOST' of config map 'lecare-insurance-vars'> Optional: false
    46. REDIS_PORT: <set to the key 'REDIS_PORT' of config map 'lecare-insurance-vars'> Optional: false
    47. REDIS_DATABASE: <set to the key 'REDIS_DATABASE' of config map 'lecare-insurance-vars'> Optional: false
    48. REDIS_PASSWORD: <set to the key 'REDIS_PASSWORD' in secret 'redis-prod'> Optional: false
    49. MYSQL_URL: <set to the key 'MYSQL_URL' of config map 'lecare-insurance-vars'> Optional: false
    50. MYSQL_DATABASE: <set to the key 'MYSQL_DATABASE' of config map 'lecare-insurance-vars'> Optional: false
    51. RUNNING_ENV: <set to the key 'RUNNING_ENV' of config map 'lecare-insurance-vars'> Optional: false
    52. Mounts:
    53. /etc/localtime from datetime (rw)
    54. /opt/javalogs from javalogs (rw)
    55. /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-2lkn2 (ro)
    56. Conditions:
    57. Type Status
    58. Initialized True
    59. Ready True
    60. ContainersReady True
    61. PodScheduled True
    62. Volumes:
    63. mysql-prod:
    64. Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    65. SecretName: mysql-prod
    66. Optional: false
    67. redis-prod:
    68. Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    69. SecretName: redis-prod
    70. Optional: false
    71. javalogs:
    72. Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    73. Path: /var/lib/container/log
    74. HostPathType:
    75. datetime:
    76. Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    77. Path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai
    78. HostPathType:
    79. default-token-2lkn2:
    80. Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    81. SecretName: default-token-2lkn2
    82. Optional: false
    83. QoS Class: Burstable
    84. Node-Selectors: <none>
    85. Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
    86. node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
    87. Events:
    88. Type Reason Age From Message
    89. ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
    90. Normal Scheduled 54m default-scheduler Successfully assigned lejian-insu/lecare-insurance-58b7bdc4cd-76fvs to cn-hangzhou.
    91. Normal AllocIPSucceed 54m terway-daemon Alloc IP for Pod
    92. Normal Pulling 54m kubelet Pulling image "registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/lejian-insu/lecare-insurance:ab22bc48"
    93. Normal Pulled 53m kubelet Successfully pulled image "registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/lejian-insu/lecare-insurance:ab22bc48"
    94. Normal Created 53m kubelet Created container lecare-insurance
    95. Normal Started 53m kubelet Started container lecare-insurance


    1. kubectl describe pod lecare-insurance-58b7bdc4cd-76fvs | grep IP:
  1. 查看pod console日志
    1. kubectl -n ${namespace} logs ${podName}
    可以支持 类似 tail 、more 命令的参数,比如:
    1. kubectl -n ${namespace} logs -f --tail=100 ${podName}
    2. // -f 持续输出日志 --tail=n 从当前日志尾部n行开始输出
  1. 使用shell登录pod中容器环境
    1. kubectl exec ${podName} -it ${shell}
    一般基础容器镜像包含 sh 或 bash 等shell程序
    1. kubectl -n ${namespace} exec ${podName} -it sh //使用sh 作为shell
    2. kubectl -n ${namespace} exec ${podName} -it bash //使用 bash 作为shell

kubectl 增效工具


kt connect / telepresence

他们都是基于 kubectl proxy-forward 来实现容器内外网络互通的工具。

Jvm remote debug

借助上面提到的 kt-connect 和 telepresence,我们可以非常容易的实现本地和k8s容器网络互通。接下来对于jvm remote debug就非常容易了。

  1. 在我们的jvm启动参数上增加 remote debug 端口

    1. -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=10086
  2. 在k8s中启动应用,并通过上面提到的找到应用对应的pod,定位pod的ip

    1. kubectl describe pod lecare-insurance-58b7bdc4cd-76fvs | grep IP:
  3. 启动kt-connect

    1. sudo ktctl connect


  4. 在我们的IDE中(eclipse 或者 idea )使用 Remote JVM Debug,填入上面获取的IP和JVM参数对应的端口

文档更新时间: 2021-06-11 21:31